
NLP的な技法では、スピリチュアルな3つのステート(感謝・愛・祈り)で、サブモダリティ(五感の従属要素)レベルの感じ方の変化やそれらがもたらす影響について、何度も繰り返し繰り返し再現し、体感を強めていきました。 やっぱりスピリチュアルは頭で考える理屈じゃなく、身体で感じてこそスピリットなんだと実感。 スピリチュアルの本質が私なりにつかめた瞬間でした。それ以来、スピリチュアルがめちゃ身近に感じられるようになったのです。
そして数日後、グレイ博士からメッセンジャーでドルイド僧 (古代 Gaul,Celt 族で信仰されていたドルイド教の僧; 予言者)たちが地球とつながる儀式(やり方)を記したファイルが届きました! 感激!


まさしく私たち日本人と同じ自然崇拝的なケルト人のスピリットが載っていました。 大切にしたいと思います。



Aligning with the elements
In July 2010, Florie and I visited Glastonbury and the various spiritual sites there. At the Chalice Well, we met a wonderful man named Brian Arthur Conquer, who said that he was a druid. Brian indicated that he had been introduced to the faith by an old druid in Ireland and that his group was rather private in that they didn’t maintain an internet presence and didn’t go in for the fancy clothes and artificial aids that other groups indulged in. He said if you want a circle you can draw It with your foot; if you want to dowse, you can use your own hands. He struck us both as a thoroughly genuine and thoroughly good man. In a later conversation, he related the following visualization for aligning with the earth and awakening primal awareness to the elements.
Facing north, with your feet firmly planted on the ground, imagine that your feet are extending into the earth like the roots of a strong tree. When the roots have gone as far as they will—don’t force them, spread your toes and wiggle them so that that you feel the movements extending into the Earth and the roots spread further. Again, allow them to spread as far as they will; make it easy. Now, imagine that you are drawing energy, nourishment and life up from Mother Earth through your roots and your feet and legs and let it fill a glowing area about two inches above your navel and two inches below the skin (the Solar plexus). Let that energy grow, and flow, and circulate in a clockwise fashion until it reaches the right level—you will know this intuitively, do not force it. Keep this pool of energy centered in the solar plexus and do not allow it rise any higher.
Now, using the eyes of spirit (your imagination), see a rainbow shining above your head. As you do so, notice that, as this is your own rainbow, created for you, it has a special ordering of colors and special kinds of richness that are significant of your deeper nature. Imagine that rainbow growing brighter, clearer, stronger and more vivid. Let it become brighter and larger. Now, reach out with both hands and grab the two ends of the bow. Feel its energy flowing into your hands, feel it vibrate. As you come to feel the rainbow in your hands with particular intensity, and see it in your spirit eye, bend it inwards until you feel and see it break and from the middle of the now broken rainbow, see and feel the rainbow-hued drops of its energy fall into your body through the crown chakra and down to the solar plexus and become aware of the growing intensity of light and movement as the chakra’s earth energy mixes with the rainbow energy of the air. See and feel the drops continue to flow down into you as the colors drain from the rainbow and it disappears completely.
Continuing to be aware of this energy in your center and hold your hands out in front of you as if you were holding a basketball. Facing north, imagine that your left hand is filled with water and your right hand is filled with fire. Invite the elements to join you and to join hands with each other. As you become increasingly aware of the wetness in your left hand and the warmth of fire in your right, allow your hands to come together with honest unconscious movements. When your hands are almost touching, the elements will join and you will feel and see (in your mind’s eye) the swirling energy of earth, air, fire, and water, mingling, glowing and pulsating between your hands. Remaining aware of this energy, slowly draw it into your heart and welcome it as you feel it lighting up your heart chakra. As the energy settles-in, place one hand over your heart and hold it there as you lift the other to Spirit and ask Spirit to affirm your union with the elements and to bless it.
Now, when you feel that this process has reached a suitable end, imagine the energy flowing down into Mother Earth, wiggle your toes and clap your hands to return to ordinary consciousness.











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